
What a Shot!

What a Shot!

Alexander Hamilton wanted his life to count. In the broadway show of the same name he repeatedly declares: “I’m not throwin’ away my shot!!” Even though I can’t say whether or not he was living by faith in the promises of God, I do admire that kind of commitment and resolve to take action and live a consequential life.

Our lives go by like a mist. Now is our only chance in all of eternity to live by faith. Don’t settle for a “What a Shame” life, by not taking the time to find and polish the relevant and current promises God has given you!

This section is a challenge to actively claim the appropriate promises of God in your own life. Don’t throw away your shot!!

Here is a very relevant entry from Tom Short’s daily devotional….

What makes God's promises so precious and magnificent?

For one, they enable us to become partakers of the divine nature. What is "the divine nature"? It is true, unselfish love -- agape love. Is it possible for us to partake of this nature? Evidently, yes. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise; this is what God's word promises!

But if we want to partake of that divine nature, we must also escape the corruption of the world. It doesn't take a genius to recognize the world is corrupt -- from the highest levels of government power to the poorest beggar on the street corner. Where does this corruption come from? It comes from lust! What is lust? It is the consuming drive to get what "self" wants no matter what it costs.

Brothers and sisters, you can't have both. Either be controlled by lust and go deeper and deeper into corruption, or partake of the divine nature and receive "everything pertaining to life and godliness." 

How do we make those promises come true in our lives? Peter shows us a progression of eight steps in verses six through eight. Join me this week as we examine these steps in these daily emails and in my Daily Word & Prayer YouTube videos. It's pretty exciting!

So that ball is now in your court. What will you do with His promises? As you read your Bible and run across a promise God has made, consider what it would mean for you to actually live as if it were true (because it is true and God is infallible)! Then step out in faith, and see what adventures God has in store for you!